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Sunday, December 5, 2010

You can call me Al

Recently I was asked to take two stock photos. Happy for the assignment I waited to hear the request thinking it would be children or puppies... but it was for clouds and grass. Interesting I thought. This shouldn't be too hard, right?

I quickly channeled my inner meteorologist and tried to remember the types of clouds. Stratus, Cumulus and Cirrus were all that I could remember. So I asked them what kind they wanted hoping that Mother Nature would send some more clouds my way, stat.

'Not puffy but not wispy' was the reply. That just took out two that I knew for sure, Cumulus and Cirrus. I had to hurry because they needed the photo pronto and the clouds were breaking up that day. I took a few pictures from my deck but decided to jump in the car and head for a more open area. My grass had seen better days so I needed to look for new turf anyway. I must have taken 30 cloud pictures. And then the grass - about the same. I sent over about 5 files of each. And you know which cloud they picked? The first one off of the deck. It was fun to do and I was happy to oblige.

And just so you know, I think it's a Mid-Level Altocumulus.
Who knew there were so many sub-categories as well?

Happy cloud watching!